
I'm Cam. I go by a few different names. Cam, Kam, Kammy, or Clammy are what most of my friends call me. I brand all of my most recent works with variations of Clam, as I am most fond of that name.

About Me

I'm currently 20 years old, soon to be 21 in March of this year. (UGH that's SOON) My pronouns are They/Them; I am a nonbinary individual! Additionally, I'm a uni student studying biology and psychology. My dream job is to be a therapist!


I draw 2D anime boys in my free time. L M A O. I'm REALLY into Haikyuu!! and Kimetsu No Yaiba at the moment, moving out of my BNHA phase which has been throttling me for the past 2 years. If you want to check out any of my works, I'm most active on Twitter and IG, which are both linked below! I'm trying to be more active on Tumblr after a 2-yr hiatus, but we will see, aha. Maybe buy me a Ko-Fi? That's also linked below!

© Cayce Pollard. All rights reserved.

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